July 6, 2017
1 hour 15 min
LUZVIMINDA UZURI CARPENTER (pronounced Loose-b-min-dah ooh-zir-e car-pen-ter) also known as Lulu or Ms. Lulu, has an eclectic & mixed identity, life story, and career as a Black, Filipina, 2nd Gen, Mixie, Bi-Queer, Fierce femme, Military Brat, Radical Christian Rebel, poet, artist, builder, faith healer, activist, youth worker, & community organizer. By being born on Air Force Base in Mt. Home, Idaho transferred to three cities in Florida and coming of age in Spokane, WA, she has experienced the fierce intersections of her identities within very diverse places and spaces. She has pieced together her identities and histories to teach and organize against violence and oppression.
Email: uzuri.consulting.productions@gmail.com
#LuLuNation Show (Live radio show)
Every TUESDAY 7:00pm-9:00pm LIVE!
Tune in on-line @ http://www.hollowearthradio.org/
For past podcasts, find at https://www.mixcloud.com/LuluNationTalkShow/
LuLu performing at The Moth via Snap Judgement (Podcast)
The Stranger Person of Interest: